Below are some examples of "Call to action" item

Call to action with background image, button & link

Get in touch with us

Call to action without bg image & email button

Just simple text with background image

Some text and button with video iframe

Watch video now

Just text with background image and simple button / no icons

Get for only $45

You can create any Call to Action item you need in any size: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 1/1. Can be used any background images, icons, content, buttons, iframes, links and so much more… It`s so easy.

You can add this items using our easy to use Content Builder:


or you can add it using below shortcode:

[call_to_action text="Want to buy this theme?" btn_title="Get for only $45" btn_link="" class=""]

[call_to_action text="Do you have any questions?" btn_title="<i class="icon-hand-right"></i> Get in touch with us" btn_link="" class=""]

[call_to_action text="Awesome call to action with video" btn_title="<i class="icon-film"></i> Watch video now" btn_link="" class="iframe"]

[call_to_action text="Call us on <i class="icon-hand-right"></i> +61 (0) 3 8376 6284 or" btn_title="<i class="icon-envelope-alt"></i>" btn_link="" class="iframe"]

  • text – text for call to action item
  • btn_title (optional) – title for button
  • btn_link (optional) – link for button
  • class (optional) – this option is useful when you want to use Fancybox (fancybox) or Video Iframe (iframe).
This template supports the sidebar's widgets. Add one or use Full Width layout.

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